Peter Gallagher
A belated Happy Smoke Day everyone - Chris, congratulations on 18 years - pretty amazing! This year we did baby backs - just a couple of pics:
getting ready to sauce:
...and plated - Served with some mac & cheese, Doris' garlic rolls and a arugula carrot salad which was really good - the first greens of the season of the garden - so yummy....
its sort of a bittersweet Smoke Day this year with the passing of Bob and Cliff - I spotted this guy (Western Tanager) yesterday afternoon and of course thought of Bob and his love of birds - I didn't know Bob that well, but his contribution and impact to the group was pretty obvious. I got to know Cliff fairly well over the years - he was an amazing guy and great cook for all the right reasons.... They are both missed but not forgotten this Smoke Day weekend.
getting ready to sauce:


...and plated - Served with some mac & cheese, Doris' garlic rolls and a arugula carrot salad which was really good - the first greens of the season of the garden - so yummy....

its sort of a bittersweet Smoke Day this year with the passing of Bob and Cliff - I spotted this guy (Western Tanager) yesterday afternoon and of course thought of Bob and his love of birds - I didn't know Bob that well, but his contribution and impact to the group was pretty obvious. I got to know Cliff fairly well over the years - he was an amazing guy and great cook for all the right reasons.... They are both missed but not forgotten this Smoke Day weekend.