Second time Minion method - convinced!

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Okay, I'm convinced. I have now used the Minion method twice, once for a 11.5 lb picnic shoulder and, yesterday, for a 7.52 lb brisket. While this method does seem to use more charcoal (about 1/3rd more, for me) it sure makes easy work of it! I would just like to add my thanks to Jim Minion for such a great suggestion.

(If you view the pictures from the links included in this post, you can use the Prev and Next links, above each picture, to cycle through the entire series.)
Ray, really nice looking picnic and brisket.
I agree with you: thanks to Jim for a great method for low and slow cooking.
You have some very helpful pictures posted. Nicely done, too!
That's a nice looking Butt /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
It's really fun to introduce Jim as the "Famous" Jim Minion to folks who use the Minion method and have never met him. He gets all modest in a hurry /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Ray, your pictures made my mouth water. What is your source for meats? I have yet to find a decent brisket here on the westside. (I live in Cedar Mill.) I usually get my ribs from Costco and my butts from Safeway. In fact, Safeway was having a sale on butts this weekend. I got a cryovaced 2 pack (total weight 15.5 lbs) for $.88/pound. Safeway's usual price is $1.39/lb But I have yet to find good brisket. I have not smoked a brisket for that reason and want to give it a go.
If you are willing to travel, Butcher Boys in Vancouver Washington are real butchers and sympathetic to BBQ cooks who are looking for quality meats at reasonable prices (not Walmart cheap).

I don't have their phone number handy, but their shop is on Mill Plain, a couple miles east of I-5.

The guy I used to talk to about BBQ there was named Rick or Rich, I think.

They don't normally carry butts or full briskets, but a couple days in advance order is all they need to get you quality stuff.

I used them exclusively for competition when I lived in Vancouver.

I've been away from this site for a couple of months but am glad to be back! It's taken me two days to catch up on reading all the new posts. Lesson learned - don't get behind!

Thanks, to those of you that posted nice comments about my pictures, I'm glad you enjoyed them! RobBq, please try, again, and let me know if you still have problems.

Dave, I know what you mean about finding a good brisket; they are scarce! Occasionally, I will find a good one at Winco Foods and, sometimes, at Safeway. The ones I've found at Albertsons just don't measure up. There is also a commercial meat store, Pondarosa Meats, in Aloha (next to Les Schwab on Shaw). They are only open to the public on Saturday mornings.

This week, I'm into King Salmon. Haggen's has had a 4-day sale at $1.99/lb. Today, is the last day so, if you want some, you need to get it tonight. Yes, it is farm raised, but looks very good.
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