Roadside Chicken Volume



New member
I'm going to be cooking off about 70 thighs for a party this weekend and was curious if anyone has converted the basic Roadside Chicken recipe to a volume for a larger group (successfully). Any insight is appreciated!
You may want a helper for 70 Roadside thighs if you have not done them before.
You can always make a couple of batches of the sauce in place of trying to scale the
recipe up to size, just a thought.
You may want a helper for 70 Roadside thighs if you have not done them before.
You can always make a couple of batches of the sauce in place of trying to scale the
recipe up to size, just a thought.

I've done it on a smaller scale 25 or so but cannot for the life of me remember what the end ratio was.
I did 80 a couple years ago. I split the thighs up amongst 5 or 6 large freezer bags and made double batches of marinade until I filled the bags. Don't remember how many batches of marinade I used.

This pic is of 60 thighs approximately.

Thanks Bob. I'm thinking that because of the volume, I will marinate for at least 6 hrs, then either cook at 300 for 2 hrs and finish over high to get the crispiness, or try and manage it in batches over regular heat. I'm thinking the low temp and finish high might make for a less stressful result, though not 100% roadside style.
Jim, no I don't. It was a rental, Kerry wouldn't let me buy 2 26ers to do that cook. It's a great grill for a big cook though.

j jwhat are you planning to cook these on?

