pulling the pork



Hey guys got a question about pulling the pork !

I was thiking of cooking the pork shoulder but eating it 2 days after. I usually pull the pork after letting it sit for 2 hours but this time i would store it in the fridge and reheat it with apple juice the next day, and then pull it ... Do you think it would do it ? Or i should already pull it after it sat an jour or 2 ..

Pull it as you typically would and then re-heat the pulled pork. Two reasons: first, the pork will be much easier to pull when warm and secondly, trying to cool an entire butt could cause bacteria to grow as it won't cool fast enough. Just re-heat with some apple juice or other juices.
Rest (I go 1/2 hour), pull, spread out and cool, pack (not too deeply), fridge, reheat.

