Preventing cookbox bolts from sticking


Tom Reed

TVWBB Member
Swapping out the cookbox on an old sidewinder for a new one due to damage. The frame and manifold bolts are very seized on. Any recommendations when attaching new bolts to prevent this in the future?
Yes. First use penetration oil like WD-40 or Ballistol. I just got the bolt off my 10-year-old Q2200 today using Ballistol.

Clean out the threads with a Q-tip. Then use a little copper grease, anti-seize on the threads of the new bolt. Brand names are Copaslip, or BustApart. I had some Loctite C5-A on hand for gunsmithing needs and used that on the Q today. Will always come off easily in the future.


Load up the threads of the new bolt with this, wipe off excess with a paper towel (lightly, don't clean it out), and screw it in till just snug, back it out, do that again, then snug it up. Works like magic. Whenever you back it will come right out.

P.S. This copper lube will hold up to high temps, which is why I use it. I use it on my oil pan drain bolts on my motorcycle, as well as in certain firearms applications.
Yes. First use penetration oil like WD-40 or Ballistol. I just got the bolt off my 10-year-old Q2200 today using Ballistol.

Clean out the threads with a Q-tip. Then use a little copper grease, anti-seize on the threads of the new bolt. Brand names are Copaslip, or BustApart. I had some Loctite C5-A on hand for gunsmithing needs and used that on the Q today. Will always come off easily in the future.


Load up the threads of the new bolt with this, wipe off excess with a paper towel (lightly, don't clean it out), and screw it in till just snug, back it out, do that again, then snug it up. Works like magic. Whenever you back it will come right out.

P.S. This copper lube will hold up to high temps, which is why I use it. I use it on my oil pan drain bolts on my motorcycle, as well as in certain firearms applications.
Glock used to ship their guns with something like this as a lubricant for the slide where it attaches to the frame.
Glock actually recommends it for between the connector and the part of the trigger bar. It's not a bad lubricant for slide rails, though, in a very LIGHT application.

And yes, once I got my bolt out of the Q the other day, it was in great shape, I'm sure it is steel. It was still hard to get out after 10 years, though. A little Ballistol or WD-40 does make it easier to get out without undue force.

