Pork Shoulder Country Ribs

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Bruce Bissonnette

Well I'm venturing into my first attempt at country ribs. Got about 5 lbs. of pork shoulder bnls country ribs in Pineapple Marinade (Paul Kirk's Championship Barbecue Sauces, p. 119, added about 6 cloves of roasted garlic to marinade, hope Paul don't mind) since 11:30am, will put on WSM at 3pm anticipating a 3-4 hr cook, shooting for a 225-240 temp range at the coking grate. Going to mop with pineapple juice at the halves. Will keep you posted.
RESULTS: Cooked for three hours, internal temp 154, sauced and took off cooker after 3:20. If you have heard that country ribs tend to take on alot of smoke...beleive it. Wife thought they were too smokey, they were on the edge for me. Other than that very tender, and flavorful, not chewy or dried out at all. USE LESS WOOD THAN YOU THINK. I used two chunks of apple and a small chunk of hickory.
I'm curious why you didn't take the internal temps to 195 + as we do for butts. Aren't country style ribs just chunks of butt?

Event hought the package stated pork shoulder country ribs, there wasn't much fat rendering off of the ribs, they were fairly lean. At 154 they felt and looked done. Being it was the first time, I thought, better take them off now. My main concern though was the lack of fat rendering out, I didn't want to dry them out beyond being edible. Feel like I'm rambling...
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