Pizza Question


R Cain

Hey Ya'll,

We have been doing pizza's on the grill for quite some time now and I feel we make some pretty good pizzas. My only problem is the cheese, I love the fresh mozzarella, I've been using BelGioioso, but it always seems to leave a lot of water on the pizza which makes the crust soggy. I see a lot of pizzas on here with what appears to be fresh mozzarella vs. the bagged shredded (Kraft type) cheese.

So my question is for those that use fresh mozza...what kind do you use and do you get the water problem? Do I just need to switch brands?


Take the cheese out of the package the night before, and wrap in paper towels overnight in the frig. I heard this tip on the food channel a few weeks ago. They were talking about fresh mozzarella.
I'll second what Bill says. The first couple we had,Pammi liked the flavor,but hated the sogginess. We now do that for the cheese and for fresh tomato slices(Pammi likes margerita pizzas).
We've been using Kroger brand ball mozzarella for our pizzas, it seems to be a little firmer and drier than most others. It melts fine and doesn’t separate or leave any water and tastes very good. If using very fresh cheese what Bill said is an excellent idea, I also saw where they put the Mozzarella in a strainer and let it sit overnight to drain then bring it up to room temperature before using. I think the paper towel method may work better as the paper towels will draw the moisture out faster.
Wow I like the paper towel idea. I guess sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. I will try the Kroger brand as well.
When you buy the mozz, look on the pkg for the lowest moisture content (expressed as a %)/highest fat content. It will in all likelihood be the more expensive brand as well.

Buffalo milk mozz is said to be better than cow and goat even better . I've tried buffalo vs a high quality cow version. Both are good with little of the water you are concerned with.
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