Pizza on WSM?



TVWBB Member
Has anyone ever grilled a pizza using a WSM? Obviously, the water pan would be removed. Can it get hot enough? Maybe move the charcoal grate up. Any thoughts?
If you set it up like you describe for direct grilling (remove the lower cooking grate and water pan, then move the charcoal grate and ring into the lower grate position) it just might work.
Another one The dough tends to be dehydrated with the lower temps. And if you can raise the pizza into the dome that would help.
Years ago, when it was only the WSM I have made pizza in it, but I have pizza pans and I place them on top of fire bricks to raise the pizza as close to the top as possible, I also use lump for fuel.



It produces a soft crust, but that's the way we like pizza.


