Paul Kirk Pitmaster Class

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Dave Lewis

TVWBB Super Fan
The following is a link for upcoming Paul Kirk Pitmaster Classes:

I got my name on the list for the Portland, Oregon class which will be held on Sunday March 30. I can't wait. Anyone else from the Oregon/SW Washington area plan on attending? It would be nice to put faces on some of the names I see here. The Portland, OR area coordinator told me that he had to cut off enrollment for last year's class at 50 people because it was getting too big. He has 10 people signed up so far for this year's class in Portland. Hope to see some of you all at the class!
Was hoping to hear about how the Pitmaster class went. I signed hubby up for the Seattle (Bellevue) class this coming weekend. Really would like to have gone too, but can't be gone all day (did consider the judging class for fun tho).
Any suggestions for items to take to class? Thanks for any information on your experience!
Connie, look in the "Just Conversation" section. I had several lengthy posts with another person (Kurt) who is also attending the Bellevue class this Sunday about things to bring and my lesson's learned from last Sunday's Paul Kirk class.

Basically, the Kirk class provides the meat, rub, some charcoal, some smoke wood, and instruction, but nothing else. You are responsible for bringing everything you might possibly need to cook and be comfortable during a long day.

Let me know if you have any further questions, I will be happy to answer them.
Thanks Dave, I did find the other thread and it was quite helpful. If I can locate a canopy, I think he'll be set. Wish I could go!
Don't forget to let us know how it went. It looks like the closest it will get to me is Philly, but the NEBS has a cooking school up in MA in a few weeks. I'm going to be attending that one (can't wait!)

What a way to start off the BBQ season!

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