No political posts and an apology


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I want to apologize to members for not seeing your reports this morning regarding political comments posted on the forum. As someone surmised, I was up into the wee hours of the morning watching the election results and in fact was checking the forum for inappropriate posts. But then I succumbed to sleep and woke up late this morning and then got into conversation with Mrs. TVWB about a variety of subjects and just now checked the forum. I have removed the posts reported by members...please continue to report any that you see and I will attempt to resolve them in a timely fashion.

I have maintained this forum as a non-political space for over 24 years through 13 election cycles and will continue to do so as long as I am at the helm. Over the years of running this forum, I've come to believe that it's a good thing to have a space like this where people of different backgrounds and beliefs can come together and share a common bond over barbecuing and grilling, to focus for a few minutes each day on something that connects us and is not political in nature. This was not a goal of mine when I started this place, but with time I've come to appreciate the importance of this and it's something I'm very proud of.

I would encourage those who are tempted to make political posts to consider stepping away from the forum for a few days. I value the contributions of everyone here and don't want to be put in the position of having to suspend or close a member's account due to forum rules violations.

You don't owe an apology and perhaps I should have not been so neurotic as to have reported all his replies but it really fired me up for a few reasons: 1) this is the only online safe haven I use that is void of inappropriate content 2) he has shown a disruptive pattern in the past and 3) he knew better, yet still chose to purposely disrespect your site.
Thank you Chris,
Interesting side point, some years ago my wife and I declared our home a “NON POLITICAL ZONE” due in part to the extremely divisive nature. So, for twenty+ years, we have had no fights, arguments, disagreements on anything aside from whether or not I ruined a piece of meat!
I like that this place is a bastion of the “non political” conversations which pervade daily life!
Thanks Chris.
Thank you Chris,
Interesting side point, some years ago my wife and I declared our home a “NON POLITICAL ZONE” due in part to the extremely divisive nature. So, for twenty+ years, we have had no fights, arguments, disagreements on anything aside from whether or not I ruined a piece of meat!
I like that this place is a bastion of the “non political” conversations which pervade daily life!
Thanks Chris.
I have to remind DH that our home is also a “NON POLITICAL ZONE”. (mainly for health reasons for both of us, we're not taking meds for no reason).
Now we can try to figure out to make better barbecue unfettered by campaign crankiness!
next up are Medicare Open Enrollment tv ads. yay! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

it's sunny and 70F today. as crazy as CA is, i live here for the weather and some chill friends. and some of the backroads are hell fun to drive and enjoy.

i think people forget that we're here for a good time, not a long time. more bbq, less politics.
In terms of his membership here I have no empathy for him; he had a history of causing trouble. Anyone who intentionally wastes Chris' personal time to monitor and admonish on their posts doesn't deserve to be here. I would be utterly ashamed to conduct myself that way on a prestigious site such as this.

Thank you, Chris, for all your work and for insisting on high standards; how you accomplish that with very little intervention speaks volumes for your expertise and skill. I feel it a privilege to be a member here where virtually every member demonstrates mutual respect for others with ease.
I certainly appreciate having a "safe place" :) to discuss all things BBQ. As I have expressed on other "topic specific forum sites" there are at least a million (or 100 million?) places that exist on the interwebs for people to express their political views, there's no need to ruin every topical forum with political rants.

