No more cardboard pizza boxes to recycle!!


Jo Torez

TVWBB Super Fan
We tested my kettle pizza!! The results were very good I have to say, I used royal oak and alder wood. (I thought the royal oak was going to burn a lot longer, I'll have to try with kb next time to compare) here's what I used to make the dough


Action shot

See the fire?!? (The picture was cut off smh)

Pizza #1

Pizza #2

Over all I did like my result but ill def have to try again

Thanks for looking!
I'll take both of those pies need for a plate, better make some more for yourself. :-) I love my kettle, each pie gets better and better, but you're off to an excellent start!
Josie; pizza looks great!! You'll have fun experimenting with the dough. And the many, many toppings!!

I had some frozen leftover ABT's and I chopped them up and put them on a simple tomato sauce with a bit of fresh mozzarella; that was really tasty. Enjoy!
Those pizzas look great Josie. Hey will you make me one with cheese and sausage please?
Pizza looks great. If you use kb you won't get as hot a fire. 2 chimneys of lump around the outside of the kettle usually lasts me long enough to do 6-8 pizzas each pizza taking about 7 minutes but I dont have one of those fancy pizza conversions.
You got it! Pizza will be delivered in 30 min or less :D

I thought the same with the 2 chimney full of ro I'm going to try that as well. I can't wait to do this again!!

Thank you everyone for your compliments!
I am still a fan of using my 22.5" OTG, raising the pizza stone on a couple of thin fire bricks, one chimney of lit Kingsford original spread evenly on the kettle. Raising the stone allows the pizza to cook evenly top and bottom. Pizza takes about 8 minutes doing it this way. I prefer the Quisinart dough recipe while my son prefers the "No Knead Dough" cooked the same way.

Here's a set up my son uses for the same results:

Josie, this is NOT a slam against your pizza conversion, but merely a way others might try if the pizza conversion is not in their future.

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Omg no worries Dale! Actually I may do that for my gas grill. Ideally I would like to have our family over for "pizza night" and if the hungry teenagers come I won't have a chance with only one grill :D this way I can set up two!!!

