Newbie with a case of Webertiveitis I have a few general questions



TVWBB All-Star
Hello all...first post for me. I caught a nasty case of Webertiveitis during this recent shut down. I didn't mean for it to happen but it just did. How did I catch it you ask???? A green top 3 burner silver B with stainless bling front doors in darn good condition. This grill replaced a very nice Costco grill that I owned for 12 years. I immediately noticed the Weber got hotter...didnt have flare ups.....and had more even heat distribution. I am a terrible cook but the new/old Weber B has got me all fired up to improve my cooking status. I even purchased a Thermo pen MK4 which has already saved my butt several times. Well long story short I just picked up my 6th Weber tonight and I hope I can find a vaccine quick because grill rehab is hard It is some how addictive even though your scraping grease and carbon really makes no sense. I think it has something to do with how easy of a target these thing are. They pop up on craigslist could anyone give up on such a quality grill????

So now for my questions.....
I was working on a Genesis Copper 3 burner and noticed the knobs didn't really push down prior to the turn. This grill had been left outside uncovered so I assumed I just needed to clean the valves. I removed the valves and did a pretty good job for a rookie. I reassembled and tried again. Now with no knob on the stem they all had good spring action. Once I put the cover back on and installed the knobs I couldn't really feel the push down springy effect. This baffled me for a while and still does. The only thing I could think was that when the knobs are inserted through the stainless cover they now have no wiggle room and are forced to go straight down....could that be it? Or maybe it was the plastic knob itself? Nope I can hear you saying you didn't do a good enough job cleaning the valves......or u need new valves. I can also note that the flames on the burners weren't that perfect even blue flame...they were a bit high and not uniform if that helps you give me advice. So that was the very long way around to my actual question. My question is...........for burner 2 and burner 3......what function does the push down to turn actually have? Burner 1 did in fact push down but 2 and 3 did not have good action with the knobs installed....but did have good action w no knobs. Note.....I sold the grill today so your answers will just serve to educate a long winded newbie. Another note.....burner 2 and 3 came on just fine by just turning the knob.

Question #2
I need a warming rack or two for my B. From what I have seen all warming racks are just cheap steel. Where do u recommend me purchasing a warming rack and is there such a thing as a non stick warming rack???

Question #3
I mentioned earlier that I am a terrible cook. I am now picking up the pace and trying to learn. I have been using parts from my Craigslist grills to make my B the best it can ................wait for it.................................. B.... That was bad wasn't it? Anyway I thought the cast iron grated looked rich so I kept those for myself but it looks like u pros like this guy here that sells the mega monster stainless grates. Is one or the other easier to cook on? I have read plenty about the CI rust issue and cleaning issue but haven't had too much of a problem so far. But Im just gunna go with what u guys tell me given your years of experience. Buy from your guy the mega trons or stick with my rich lookin CI's????

How bout that for my first post. If you made it all the way to the end I tip my hat to you.
What model grill are you having trouble with the valves and flame patterns. Chris has a really nice video he kindly did about how to clean and lubricate the valves. Also there is more to cleaning them than just the spool inside. You have to make sure all the ports are clean and free of dirt grease and corrosion. As well as taking off the main orifices and cleaning all the corrosion and grime in and behind them as well. You also need to make sure burners are clean. No obstructed port holes clean internally and free of lint and insect debris. I clean mine out with spray brake cleaner and blow them dry (don't worry nothing is left behind). Once everything is clean your burners should burn pretty clean and stable unless someone prior to you has messed up the air adjustment. Also be sure the spider guards are clean as well as they can restrict proper air flow
Thanks for your reply. It was A Weber Genesis .....I believe you call it a was the copper color but it had the side burners vs the front burners. I cleaned the living daylights out of that thing but I did not remove the burner tubes to check the orifices. The question still remains......does the push down effect of burner knob 2 and knob 3 have a function or is the function just being able to turn the knob once its pushed down?
Thanks....I have a lot to learn.


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The "push down" as you call it is to get it over a "lock" to prevent accidental turning is all. My guess is you just haven't gone far enough
Ok thats what I was thinking. When I disassembled the valve body I could see how pushing down would clear the pin to allow the knob to turn. When any knob on this grill was pushed down you could feel the under carriage ( the burner tube and valve frame ) give and push down also. The hardware was tight but the whole frame would move when a knob was pushed down. Oh well...its sold and gone now....I was just trying to solve that mystery. My Webertiveitis continues......I picked up a 2 burner :( Silver last night for $20 because the ad said cast iron grates and ss flavor bars......yep that was enough for me to get in the truck and roll...I have lost my mind!!!
I am in the throes of a similar situation with a Genesis 1000 silver (Green Top) and sticky push down valve detents. Luckily, a little lube on the top stem fixed everything wonderfully. Ah, but it has rusted frame 'hold-togethers'. Y'know, those inserts that go inside the legs and a bolt goes through the other side to hold the frame together? I'm looking for the best price, as it appears the next in line has the same problem as well.
I just saw I am listed as a 'new member'. Thanks. For as many of these as I have gone through I feel pretty old these days!

