My Smoke Fire



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Is there anyone in the Bay Area interested in my Smoke Fire. I've got most the bugs worked out. Every-now-and-then it errors out and the trick has been to disconnect and reconnect the glow plug and then do a factory reset. It's free to any member here, you just have to come and get it, I'm not delivering, not because I'm being difficult, I'm just swamped with moving into our new house and getting our old house ready to sell. I would take it but I'm think about a stick burning offset as my smoker for the new place. My son took my WSM's my neighbor bought my Santa Maria, I gave away a couple BBQ's friends. I'm just taking my red kettle, my Lodge Sportsman and my Genny gasser. The only reason I'm bringing it, is because the house is propane, and there's a spot on the patio plumed for a propane gasser. If no one here wants it, then I'll probably sell it (cheap) to anyone who wants it, long as they come get it. It free to any member here, and I have lots of spare parts
Generous of you and I'm tempted.
I think it would be a sweet deal for you. The biggest hassle would be coming over the hill to get it. It has it's moments when you want to take a sludge hammer to it, and other times you stop and give it a hug when you walk by it
It is funny how people assume you are bored and have nothing to do after you retire. They are very good at finding stuff to keep you busy.
Hi Chucko,

Where in the Bay Area are you located? Also, how difficult is it to plug in and unplug that plug? I'm an IT person and if it doesn't have a keyboard I can't fix it :)
This still needs a home. In about a month it will end up on the curb. It's an awesome BBQ for anyone who doesn't mind tinkering. I've actually enjoyed tinkering on it as much as cooking on it.
If I had a truck I could pick it up with I would take you up in a second. A friend of mine is looking into smokers right now.

Actually my friend has a truck. I wonder if he would be interested in taking a little drive?
I hope someone here gets it, it’s actually a really nice BBQ. It just has a gremlin that neither Weber nor I can run down. It’s not a constant gremlin, just reoccurring at times

