Mushy Pork?

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Hello All!

I now have 5 cooks (all pork butts) under my belt with good results, except on my last cook. All the cooks were done the same way, over night at 250 deg. with the meat being taken out at temps betwwen 185-195. I pulled this last cook at 185 and let rest for 30+ min. before pulling. The texture of the meat mushy, this has not happened before. Maybe I pulled it to early? Any ideas?

Two things spring to mind. Was it really 185? When was the last time you checked calibration. The dial style metal stem thermometers are very easy to calibrate and "uncalibrate". The digital ones can have errors.

The other is that there may have been a chemical tenderizer at work. Vinegar, MSG, Tender Quick, Pineapple Juice and similar can all lead to that result.

I discovered another way for mushy pork. If you are inclined to first "sear" the pork over a hot fire before smoking--and you happen to "oversear" (burn) the pork, it could create an impenetrable coating, causing the moisture inside to simply steam the dickens out of the meat.

I did this a couple weeks ago and was surprised at how mushy and tasteless the meat ended up (spices in rub could not penetrate this burnt crust either)

Jim - the butt was bone in. I put the butt on at 10PM when the cooker temp hit 250. Adjusted vents until temp settled back in at 250 for awhile. Did not check temps again until around 8AM the next morning, and the temp was 225. Adjusted vents to bring temps back up to 225-250 range and adjusted as needed until the meat was pulled at 4PM with internal at 185(pit temp was at 200 and falling).

Konrad - I will have to check my probe thermometer to see if it is out of calibration. I covered the butt with a very thin layer of mustard and then sprinkled with rub about 30 min before putting on the cooker. Do you think this cause the mushy texture?

Dale - I did not sear the meat before putting in the smoker. I'm not to the point of experimenting just yet.
One last question was this product solution added?
The reason for the question, based on information given, the pork should not have been mushy.
Mustard and rub 30 min before cooking will not have cuased the condition.
Jim - The butt did not have solution added. Made that mistake once.
If I understand correctly you cooked this for 18 hours which is a long time for a bone in butt. Particulalry at the temperature you cooked at.

I've heard of briskets cooking for 18 hours at 200? and not be mushy.

I think you cooked to long.
Welcome to the site Brook,
I thought the 'was product solution added' question was gonna be the answere but this is still a stumper. My only thought is did you foil it after the 18 hour cook and if yes, then for how long did it rest and steam?
I left the butt on so long because I was trying for an internal temp of 200, which I have not been able to hit. I have always had to pull the meat off before 200. The time/pound of meat works out to be 2.25 hrs/lb. I was going by the internal temp more than time, so I probably need to double check my probe thermometer, which I'll tonite.

Dave - I let the butt rest in a shollow dish uncovered.
18 hours is not overly long. I have done 3 butts and it has taken approx 2.5 hrs/pound to get to the magic 195+ temp. One butt was 18 hours, another was 17.5 hours. (The third was a 1/2 butt, which doesn't count). Both butts were very moist, tender, perfect and absolutely delicious. I think I've narrowed down why it takes my butts so long (I cook at 250-260 lid temp). I need to trim as much fat as possible. I hardly trimmed any fat off my previous butts, so it takes longer for the fat to render and the internal temps to get to the 195 mark.

I don't think you want to trim as much fat as possible off of your butts. The generally accepted practice is to trim the fat down to 1/4" to 1/8". That's why your butts you mentioned were so moist and tender. That fat that was being rendered was also serving to baste the meat.

Just my two pennies.
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