more space/coiling ribs

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Big Ir

TVWBB Member
In a recent post, some one mentioned "coiling" ribs. It got me to thinking, I easily fit 6 spare rib racks rolled, 3 on each grate. What if , we coil like a clock spring the ribs I imagine like rolling, standing them up on edge starting with a slightly tight rolled one in the center, coiling the rest with some gap, and skewered to hold in place, what do you all think, would it work??? I think it just may and increase the amount of racks from 6 to who knows, 12???
Hi, Big Ir! I think it might work if the slabs are large enough, although I am particular about the meat touching. I got ten done in one cook with no problem. I made a diamond pattern on the rack and stacked other rolled ones on top, like with building blocks. Seven on the top and three on the bottom. I am pretty sure I could have gotten more. They were however baby backs as opposed to the big spares. I hope this helps.
Big Ir.....

I would have the same concern as run the risk of the meat touching and that is NOT a good thing. When I first used the rolled method, several pieces were touching each other and that resulted in a very uneven cook.

Having said that, if you could rig a way to avoid the touching, then it may be a good technique.

If you try it, let us all know how it worked!
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