Mmmm.. Harry Soo's Bacon-Wrapped Pineapple Mozzarella Rings



TVWBB Member
Harry was just on KTLA 5 News this morning with his latest creation:

Bacon-Wrapped Pineapple Mozzarella Rings


Hawaiian Pizza is my favorite! These look delicious! :)


KTLA 5 news segment:
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Hopefully Harry will save some for us judges after judging. I will stop by his tent tomorrow and see if he does...

Sign me... Hopeful
In making my grocery list, I did some tweaking. I'm going with pineapple chunks, mozzarella, prosciutto, and maybe a small sliver of jalapeno. Then maybe one or two with prosciutto, mozzarella, and a sliver of garlic.
I made these tonight. Talk about heaven. One of the best things I have ever tasted. Although these take a few to get the hang of. I only made 4.
I also tried them and loved them! I was unable to wrap the bacon though. Luckily my wife did a neat job with it! It was just superb!

