Mild Weather on New Years Day


Sheila Cochran

Happy New Year to all !

It's a nice, calm, and warm 41 degrees today in Indy - a beautiful way to start the New Year!! So, I decided to fire up the trusty Performer and grill up a flat-iron. This is my first attempt at a flat-iron, and most definitely won't be my last. Sinfully delicious…

On the grill :




… and sliced:


I failed at getting a plated pic ... too busy eating, I found the steak to be very tender and flavorful. Awesome cut of meat.

I sincerely hope everyone's New Years Day is going as great as mine is!
I know, right?!? 26'er sitting out there all cleaned up…and then ignored. He'll get a workout soon, I hope…. I've read on here that once I start using the 26er I may not go back to the Performer. :) I *should* have fired it up yesterday, since I had a packer on the WSM and meatloaf on the Performer… and then wound up having to use the oven to cook the ABTs - poor planning on my part. Ended well though, we had lots of good eats at the New Years Eve pitch-in last night !!!
Great to see you again Sheila. It might just be me but I haven't seen you around much. Missed you in the last throw down. Seems like your first try at these cooks is a home run each time. LOL
… haven't seen you around much. Missed you in the last throw down. Seems like your first try at these cooks is a home run each time. LOL

Hey Dwain, I've missed posting up on here … it's such a busy time of year, between Thanksgiving and Christmas. sigh. I really wanted to get in the last throw-down, but couldn't get to it.

Seriously, if it wasn't for the wealth of knowledge on this forum I'd be way less inclined to attempt some of these cooks, much less post photos of 1st time cooks… I search out and read up on anything new that I'm attempting to cook, and try to emulate those that walked the road before me as best I can. So thanks to all of you that post the how's and why's on different cooks, the information sharing on this forum is second to none!

By the way, my mom always says "What you do on the first day of a new year is what you'll be doing all year long". :) Guess I'm gonna be a grilling' fool in 2014… :D
Great looking flatiron Sheila! Hey I will trade you your 41F for our 22F and 12" of snow since yesterday afternoon.
Maybe another 6" on the way. Happy New Year!
Arrgh - no more snow!!

…. Hey I will trade you your 41F for our 22F and 12" of snow since yesterday afternoon.
Maybe another 6" on the way. Happy New Year!

I did *not* agree to that trade you offered yesterday Bob!!!! :)

This is what I woke up to this morning:



Dry snow, so I decided to try using the leaf blower on this latest surprise from Mother Nature - at least it worked well enough to clear the cookers:


I'll deal with the driveway later, maybe tomorrow. LOL. Weather-man said another storm is coming Sunday/Monday - potential of 15" snow???? What the HECK ??? At least I'm on vacation this week and don't have to drive anywhere today.

You all stay safe and warm out there !! Gonna go see what I can scrounge out of the freezer to throw on the Performer today…"TONGS UP" ! ;)

