mail order smoke wood

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Big Ir

TVWBB Member
Hi all, it has been months since I have posted. The other day my wife surprised me and had some apple wood and cherry wood mail-ordered to our home. Any how all I have used for all my cooks is a mixture of oak and hickory. I am very excited about these 2 "exotic" woods. I am taking a poll to find out what you pro Q'ers around the country use as your favorite combo on spareribs, oak/hickory, oak/cherry, oak/apple, apple/cherry, just cherry, oak, apple, hickory, I even have a small amount of pecan my buddy gave me the other day. Thanks for your input as I am ribbin' it this weekend!!!
Big IR,

For pork, be it ribs or butts, I have used combo of hickory and apple/hickory and cherry/all apple/all hickory, though not too much.

For beef, I have used oak and cherry/all oak/ oak and hickory. You just have to experiment to see what you like and how it turns out.

I got 20 pounds of apple wood up here in late December for 5 bucks from an orchard about 10 miles from my home. Great deal. Good luck, let us know how it goes.
Big IR,

I find it rather humorous and ironic that you find apple and cherry "exotic". I grab all the orange, grapefruit, tangerine, etc. chunks, and limbs I can get my hands on when I go to FL. I usually bring back a couple of buckets everytime I'm down your way. These are all good on poultry, pork, and fish. Some steakhouses burn fruitwoods to coals for their wood fired grills.

Maybe we could all create a co-op wood exchange. Alder from the NW and fruit woods from the south and west. Nut woods are everywhere<G>
No, I haven't. More because we don't have lemon trees on our property in FL. I would definitely use it. We have one small lemon tree now and it grew only 2 lemons this year. <G> We recently planted them.

The next time I'm down in FL I will bring some back. It won't be until the holidays next year.
Does anyone know if avocado makes good smoke wood? I've never seen it mentioned in any of the lists of what's good and what to avoid. I have easy access to all I could possibly use, but I have no idea if it will work.
Big Ir,
I suggest you try your "exotic" woods by them selves at first so you can see how you like them. Striaght apple or cherry works very well. My favorite mix for ribs is two chunks of apple with a chuck of hickory.

I have read somewhere that avocado is a good wood to use. It was somewhere on the smoke ring.
Btw my favorite combo for ribs is equal parts hickory and peach. I am planning on trying plum soon too!
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