Lost access to AVR after firmware update


D Peart

I've to a Pi Model B with a V4.2.4 hardware. I updated the software and that went well, I then updated the firmware and while it says it completed successfully, the web service now says there is a communication error with the AVR.

I tried a couple times and no difference. I tried downgrading the firmware with the same results. The board is working, just can't see anything in the web interface.


Downloading 'https://heatermeter.com/devel/snapshots/trunk/heatermeter.hex'
Connecting to
Writing to '/tmp/hm.hex'

/tmp/hm.hex          100% |*******************************| 70991   0:00:00 ETA
Download completed (70991 bytes)
Stopping LinkMeter nil    connect

LinkMeter platform is BCM2708
Loading SPI modules...
AVR fuses ffd705 OK

                          257c3f2c41053f1ee2fd4f0b621465a3  /tmp/hm.hex
hmdude: compiled on Oct 12 2017 at 13:13:56
Using port: /dev/spidev0.0
Loading ihex file: "/tmp/hm.hex" (25232 bytes)

    0% |                                                  |     0 (0.0s)
    0% |                                                  |     0 (0.0s)
    5% |##                                                |  1262 (0.1s)
   10% |#####                                             |  2524 (0.2s)
   15% |#######                                           |  3786 (0.3s)
   20% |##########                                        |  5048 (0.4s)
   25% |############                                      |  6308 (0.5s)
   30% |###############                                   |  7570 (0.6s)
   35% |#################                                 |  8832 (0.8s)
   40% |####################                              | 10094 (0.9s)
   45% |######################                            | 11356 (1.0s)
   50% |#########################                         | 12616 (1.1s)
   55% |###########################                       | 13878 (1.2s)
   60% |##############################                    | 15140 (1.3s)
   65% |################################                  | 16402 (1.4s)
   70% |###################################               | 17664 (1.5s)
   75% |#####################################             | 18924 (1.6s)
   80% |########################################          | 20186 (1.7s)
   85% |##########################################        | 21448 (1.8s)
   90% |#############################################     | 22710 (1.9s)
   95% |###############################################   | 23972 (2.0s)
  100% |##################################################| 25232 (2.2s)
Update successful
Starting LinkMeter nil    connect
OK I started all over, re-wrote the img and flashed the firmware included with the updated software and it is now working again.

Does this mean the latest online firmware won't work on a v4.2.4 board? I kind of doubt that . . .

I can at least do my smoke.

I'm not sure what happened, but I just re-upgraded my 4.2.4 main HeaterMeter with the latest snapshot and I didn't see any problem with lost AVR communication. Definitely weird what you experienced though.
I had a same problem with 4.3 hardware same on day - updated AVR from online repo and lost connectivity. Nothing else works but full reset and software re-install.
Interesting, did you both upgrade the AVR Firmware only at first, from an older snapshot image? I wonder if there's something about that upgrade path that is supposed to work but isn't.

