lid assembly replacement


George Si

TVWBB Super Fan
Weber agreed to replace my 2001 Silver B Mica Green lid assemble, because I showed them a picture and there was a small piece of exposed porcelain that was not covered by the green paint. The replacement that came was different than the original. It was a different green, the thermometer was in the middle, and when I did the rotisserie yesterday the rod grated on the part of the lid where it was placed. Were the lid design changed? The lid fits but it is wider. They are even sending a new swinging basket that is required for the new lid because it is wider.
PS I love the Classic look of the older design, but is the newer design better?? Thanks. George
The lids for the Silver B and Genesis 1000 series are pretty much interchangeable from the 80's all the way up to the later 2000's. They did change the design of the hoods significantly in the mid 2000's but the fitment on the grill boxes was the same.

The lid, when closed, should not touch the rotisserie rod. It should be close though. How bad of a rub is there?
It made the "U grove" on the new lid shiny and a fractional bit of paint on the lid rubbed away. I kept pulling the rod away from the endcap but it creeped back. After cooking I did bend the rotisserie motor holder more toward the box(It was angled outward a bit). Maybe that was the problem. I have the One Grill rotisserie
It seems so. I would turn it off and pull the rod away from the lid and it would slide back toward the lid. BTW the rod was not pushed all the way into the motor. Curious though how making the motor holder more 90 degrees will help.

