Leg of lamb



TVWBB Super Fan
Hey guys need some assistance my sweet momma has requested I smoke 2 legs of lamb for Easter Sunday. One weighs 4.25 lbs and the other 4.46 lbs ,never smoked lamb so if anyone has please help me out with cooking temp,IT,cook time,wood recommendation,ect. ...
Jay I've smoked many a leg of lamb in my WSM, I've found it cooks fast so I keep the smoker temp at 210°-215°, also I place garlic slices in the meat, I use old garlic that is turning brown and the low temp gives the garlic time to melt and saturate the meat with flavor, I cook to an internal temp of 140° and that can take as little as 1 3/4 hours to 2 1/2 hours.

I hope that helps, have fun and happy Easter,

Jay I've smoked many a leg of lamb in my WSM, I've found it cooks fast so I keep the smoker temp at 210°-215°, also I place garlic slices in the meat, I use old garlic that is turning brown and the low temp gives the garlic time to melt and saturate the meat with flavor, I cook to an internal temp of 140° and that can take as little as 1 3/4 hours to 2 1/2 hours.

I hope that helps, have fun and happy Easter,


thanks so much Karl,Im gonna do the garlic slices in the meat,Im looking forward to this cook,I will post play by play pics,thanks and happy Easter to you as well
Nothing better than BBQ lamb. The DW is not a fan, so I don't get it very often. I'm hoping to get some pictures of yours, so I can enjoy it vicariously! :)
Here is a thread with pics and details about a leg of lamb I roasted on the kettle. And here is a thread on one I cooked on the rotisserie stuffed with feta and herbs. It is an easy cook, and a nice change of pace.




