Just read thread about Weber Flame 27000 Im hooked....gotta have one!!!! Also hunting a griddle for a Q....Help!



TVWBB All-Star
Im so hooked! Gotta have a Weber Flame. I really have the Weber bug and the flame must be had. If anyone can steer me in the direction of purchasing one I would appreciate it. I saw a gas hook up one on Ebay ....not sure if they can be converted...can they? I think propane will work the best for me. I dont have facebook so I cant use their market place.
I dont have facebook so I cant use their market place.

Jim, welcome to the board.
I have been known to occasionally buy and sell Weber this and that's.
This year fbmp has accounted for 86% of my acquisitions, and 79% of
my sales. This is about a 10% increase over last year, and continues a
trend established 2 years ago.
Not using fbmp severely reduces your chances of finding anything Weber
related, but greatly increases your chances of overcoming Weberitis.
Yah, I have FB just for buying and selling rehabbed grills. I think my wife and daughter are my only two "friends" on it.

Anyway, I had been on the lookout for a Weber Flame for the last couple years and came close a couple times, but never found the right deal. But, this year, I picked up a nice 1/4" thick 304 Stainless 30" round fire ring and will be sitting around a real fire instead. I would still like a Weber Flame, but I just think having both are over kill for me. A killer deal would probably put one on my deck though.
Thanks for the replies guys. I live in a townhouse in northern Va and my fire pit options are limited on the deck. This Weber unit would satisfy my cave man urges to sit in front of a fire without burning my house down and every other house attached to it vs a real fire pit throwing embers and such. I hate to do it......but Facebook here I come :(
LOL, gotta hate the apartment, condo, townhouse, home owners association Nazis. At least it sounds like you can have a propane appliance on your deck, many won't even allow that. Some won't even allow an electric grill.

Good luck on your search for your Unicorn Weber Flame. Don't forget to search "Weber 27000" as that is the model number and I have seen many listings using that. Other search words besides weber are "Fire pit" "Fire place" "heater" etc...

Oh, and good luck learning FB marketplace and the rest of Facebook. It took me forever to figure it out enough for it to become useful.
Ya no problem for the grill on the deck. I am 54 and behind the tweet and twit and facebook curve by a long shot. I dont have any kids to hold my hand through the experience so I would imagine the Russians will have me hacked in minutes.....but hey....If it gets me a Weber Flame 27000...bring on the Russians!!!

