Issues with my new Spirit II - E 210

Hi everyone. Just got my first grill - a Weber Spirit II E-210.

I've used it a couple times and noticed what I think are some weird noises: video link

Regulator @ 10 seconds

I was sent a new one and have just attached it. The noise remains. I have done a leak check and did not find any.

Burner tubers @ 37 seconds, and @ 1:10

When I turn one (either one) of the burners off it sputters and does not appear to completely turn off. They also make a squeaking noise.

Are these things normal? I've hooked and unhooked the propane tank, and let the gas clear but nothing changes.

Thank you!
Is it a brand new tank? I have seen weird sputtering if a new tank was not purged of the air and moisture before it was filled with propane.
Is it a brand new tank? I have seen weird sputtering if a new tank was not purged of the air and moisture before it was filled with propane.
I've used it twice and had never noticed it (though maybe because I rarely have only one burner on). Could it be related to the noise from the regulator, or is that the normal sound of gas flow?
I have never heard that snapping in a regulator before so it might be defective. Gas flow is usually pretty quiet. Call Weber customer service if you can get through now with the pandemic. Or let’s hope someone else chimes in. Sorry! 🙁
Ahh, sorry. I realize the video might have been confusing. The snapping is coming from the back burner pipe of whichever burner is turned off. The whistling comes from the regulator and gets louder or softer depending on how high I turn the knobs.
I have had regulators with a "humming" maybe whistling type noise. I did some research and everything I have found says it is not a problem and won't affect the function of the regulator. But, since your grill is new, I would contact Weber and demand a new regulator and hose. I don't think it will be a problem getting it replaced. Otherwise, you could just replace the hose and regulator yourself for under $10.
Hi, yes I have replaced it. Both the original and new regulators sound the same.

In regards to the sputtering of the burner / distribution pipes, they look good. I removed the plates and did not see anything weird or out of place. They all produce a small blue flame. Could the issue be that a small amount of gas still makes it to the turned off burner which causes it to sputter and briefly light up when only 1 out of 2 burners is on? Might mean it's normal?
Does that grill use a crossover tube? If so, it is probably just gas being pushed through the tube into the other burner and collecting until it ignites.
Yes, it does! It's the tubes are U shape. and its the bottom "rounded corner" of the U that sputters depending on whether the burner is off or not.
Honestly I think it's fine. I have heard those noises before and don't give them a second thought
When you hear those noises and the lid lifts up an inch or two each time, then it is time to give it a second thought.


