Is this a real Weber?

LOL, yah. that is true.
I really meant to post this thread in the coal burner section.
Nope, not a Weber. Fairly realistic price though for a logo knock off.
Most times you see people asking $100 plus.
Owner seems to think it is not a true weber, but it looks like one to me...but then I am pretty much unfamiliar with them.
What do you think???

There was one exactly like that for sale in ATL several months ago and like Dave said its not a Weber. They started off at $150 it was there quite a while till the price started dropping not sure what they got for it.
OK, thanks guys. It just looked like the bottom leg rack was the same as Webers.
There definitely is a real Weber blue kettle that has the Bud Light logo. I have seen them for sale near me. Not my thing but blue kettles aren’t the most common.

