I WON !!!! I CAN'T WAIT !!!!

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After calling the local Weber dealers in my area only to find out that thier supply of "bullets" were sold out and none were expected to arrive until Spring I decided to take a look on Ebay. (Buffalo NY is not a place to stock alot of outdoor use equipment in the winter I guess.) Well, low and behold a brand new unit was up for auction. The seller won it at a golf tournamnet and had no interest in using it. I tossed in a bid at $122.50 and I WON !!! I'm so excited and can't wait till it arrives. Even though it's a bit nippy here in Buffalo NY at this time of year I'll have to break it in when it shows up. Any suggestions from the experts out there for a Rookie Smoke Fest ?
Hi Bill, Congratulations on your win and welcome to the site. You'll find a great resource and a great group of really helpful, experienced cooks here. People have gotten answere's to questions while they are in the middle of a cook. This site rocks!
Chris Allingham, who host's the site, has done an amazing job of collecting, testing and organizing the info here. The more you read, the more success you'll have.
As far as what to cook first -try the renowned Mr. Brown from the 'Lets Cook' section. If you follow Chris' directions for anything in that section you'll do well but pork butts are the most forgiving cut and they taste amazing. Instant success. Ribs seem to be a bit more of a challenge for a first time cook. But if your up for the challenge -give 'er!
Now all you have to do is try to be patient waiting for your new toy. Good luck and let us know how your first cook is going.
Good to see another WNY face in here Bill. Don't worry about the weather here in NT, you can use the WSM all year long. If you have any questions feel free to post them here.
Congratulations Bill!

You'll love it, just like everybody else does.

I have some great BBQ buddies right down your way. I was in Clarence for a fantastic comp last October and met some really great people.

You and/or Dennis should consider coming out this year and seeing what competing is all about.

As far as what to do first, I'd say anything but a brisket. I say this from experience (don't ask!).

Not too long ago I was a WSM newbie as well. You're definitely in the right spot.
Congrats on the new WSM. I'm relatively new to the "smoking" world here (long time griller however). I can second the suggestion for the Mr. Brown recipe. Easy stuff and comes out fantastic.
Hey Bill, how's it going. CONGRATS on the EBay win. A thrilling victory paired with what seems to be an awesome product. I am looking at EBay for one as well, we'll see how that pans out. Anyway, I was just curious what you had to spend for shipping and handling? I am up in the great State of Maine, so I'm sure shipping will be more. Just looking for ballpark though. Thank you very much and congrats again on your WSM!
Hi Jerod,

The cost to ship the WSM from Pittsburgh to Buffalo was $16.50. Not as bad as I thought. Let me know how your Ebay chase works out. This seems to be a pretty good crowd to be a part of and I'm hoping to learn alot of "insider knowledge" from folks here on the bulliten board.

Sorry I did'nt get back to you sooner. I was traveling on business and could not get a good link back to the states to check /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif my e-mail or any postings. Thanks for your patience.

Talk to you dwon the road............ Bill
Hello all.
Just FYI I won the WSM on EBay (barely). I bid a max of $123.45, and that's what it went for. It was used 3 times, but considering how often I'm gonna use it, it's no big deal. Shipping from Florida to Maine is $15 (WAY cheaper than I thought at first) and I opted for the $5 in insurance.
I'm DEFINITELY excited to try it out. I'm sure I'll shovel off the patio and maybe do something simple the first weekend I have her (a chicken and some ribs maybe).
I'll be back for some new recepies once I receive the smoker. Glad to be part of the team!
Conrats Jerod !!!!

Welcome to the owners group !!! As you know I won mine at auction on e-Bay and it just showed up yesterday. You can't begin to imagine the quality of the WSM construction. I've looked at other smokers in the past (Brinkman, etc) and can honestly say there is no comparison. Like you, I plan to shovel off a spot on one of the decks, run to Sams Club for some Kingsford, a few racks of Baby Backs and one or two Chickens for good measure and "let the games begin". I have 2 teenage boys and the concept of cooking too much food never comes into play here. Now if I can figure out a way to put wheels on the darn thing and turn it into a mobile BBQ side car for my bike I'll be in heaven. Plus, if I keep it with me I won't have to worry about my son stealing it off to college with him next fall and turning his dorm room into a smoke pit to make a few bucks on the side feeding the rest of the guys on his track team.

Keep us posted !!!!
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