How to prepare a Brisket for Smoking



New member
Does anyone smoke a brisket without marinade, injections, rubs, etc... and just add bbq or steak sauce afterwards?

Immediately after posting this I noticed the message to not use this forum for questions. Sorry. I will read thru the site to understand where to post questions.
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One of my favorite things to do is use smoked meat in all sorts of dishes. So I use salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder. This way I can serve as BBQ, with potatoes and gravy, as the beef in beef noodle soup, etc, etc. A BBQ rub would be out of place in some of the dishes I use smoked brisket in.
I would suggest Texas style...sprinkle moderately with a 50/50 mix of kosher salt and coarsely ground black pepper. Smoke and enjoy with or without BBQ sauce on the side. I think you'll end up with bland meat if you don't use at least S&P.
I just trim off the hard yellow fat, use salt, pepper and garlic (I will also change up and use Billy Bones Beef Master) and put the brisket in the smoker. That is all it needs
I make a loose paste of Worcestershire sauce and Weber's Chicago steak seasoning that I brush on prior to smoking. To me, Brisket doesn't have that rich beefy flavor like Chuck, so that and using a good smoke wood like Oak is usually all I need.:wsm:


