How to address minor rust



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Good afternoon!

I have a little bit of rust that I would like to deal with before I reinstall my manifold. Most of if it minor stuff and I was looking for pointers on how to handle it. Should I just do hand sanding they spray work rust encapsulator and paint?

The major rust was on the wind deflector and I was able to sand off the majority of it. I’d really like to replace it but am not opposed to painting if it would work. Would the same process work for this as well?

I'm restoring one and I sanded amg ainted it using Majic paint cans. You could also get away with just sanding those areas assymbled or take them of and do a 360 paint job. Either way you'll get great results. For the wind deflectors I just sanded it down both sides and hit with rust Reformer or a rust in capsulator spray can. I like rust Reformer because it will turn black over existing rust and protect it as is atom there.. A cloat of high heat paint may look better but it's a hidden part that just needs maintenance.

The wind deflector is galvanized.

You should deal with the cabinet. Sand and paint or rust encapsulator and paint.

In the future try to keep the grill clean and dry. It’s counterintuitive but a cover is not always helpful.

Keep off concrete. Partial sun and good airflow to keep dry.

The wind deflector is galvanized.

You should deal with the cabinet. Sand and paint or rust encapsulator and paint.

In the future try to keep the grill clean and dry. It’s counterintuitive but a cover is not always helpful.

Keep off concrete. Partial sun and good airflow to keep dry.
That's a good tip and while looking at the module summit models I noticed they have half covers vs full drape. I guess maybe keping it covered during rain or snkwing weather and uncovered other times might preserve it as well. Noted idea.
The problem with covers is they trap moisture inside. Unless the cover is very breathable and/or has vents, it will condense water under it during the cool damp night air and then will be wet underneath and stay that way well into the afternoon.
I was going to deliver a straight line
“How do you address rust?”

It depends on where you live!

Okay, I’ll go stand in the corner now…
There will be a lot more rust you can not see because it travels under the factory finish. Your best bet is to disassemble the frame, remove the rust and the repaint. At a minimum knock down the rust, seal wit rust reformer like Fred said and then paint a couple of coats over that.
There will be a lot more rust you can not see because it travels under the factory finish. Your best bet is to disassemble the frame, remove the rust and the repaint. At a minimum knock down the rust, seal wit rust reformer like Fred said and then paint a couple of coats over that.
I have a rusty frame connector I partially painted right over the rust to get a color sample and test the paint. I have now left it outside on a cement block fully exposed to the elements to see how it holds up. I will say that if you do sand and paint you won't be disappointed by the results and you may decide to go full paint once you start.
Should I just do hand sanding they spray work rust encapsulator and paint?

I think that there is a spectrum of rust control, from hitting it with some extra pink spray paint from your garage to tanking it all apart and stripping it down and redoing it. Hand sanding followed by rust encapsulation is a very good and common technique from the the middle of that spectrum.

