How long to cook that Sucker?


Pablo Kelly

New member
I have an 16-18 pound fresh ham coming for the Easter table. It has been a long time since I have done a fresh ham and I really don't remember how long to cook this meat. My cooking temperature will be in the 220-230 range. I smoke shoulders and butts around 1 1/2 hours per pound at the same temp. Seems like this might be too much for a fresh ham. What do the experts say? Thanks, Pablo
I did a fresh ham around 4-5 months ago. I cooked it like it was a pork butt, around 250 till I had 185°it. Bad move on my part. It was tender but dry as all get out. If I had it to do over again, I'd let it go to around 145-155°it. That should make it nice and juicy.
I see no reason to do a fresh ham low and slow. I do mine @ 325ish till it hits 150, after a foiled rest 160 is what your after for slicing.
If you want to pull it, than you could go low & slow and take it to a higher temp.


