How is the best way to light a grill and smoker after dark?


Robert McGee

TVWBB Gold Member
Winter will be upon us before we know it. The nights are already getting noticeably shorter. I am interested in what you folks are doing about lighting on the grill. I grill in the yard, but do have an electric outlet near at hand. Also, battery operated lights are a possibility (right now I'm using a flash light - requires a hand to use it). Are you using a grill mounted light? Are you using a headlamp?

The field is wide open.

Let's hear it from any that have a solution.

Head lamps are nice I use them for hunting all the time so have a couple. But to be honest the light from them is deceiving sometimes and I just use my back yard flood light and a little hand held to check closer for a second.
I have an LED stalk light I clamp to my side table.
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Thanks to all that responded. I have ordered a Led array for my cap. After I get it, I'll determine if I need to add one to my grill(s) and/or smoker...

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I have my smoker and gasser on the deck and I have positioned one of my exterior floodlights to shine on the deck (lights under the eaves of the house). This gives me enough light.

Gasser on the deck - Weber handle light (works really well)
Performers on the deck - Next to exterior wall mounted light

Under the deck - heaven! lol
That's another very useful suggestion. I believe I have one or two of those clamp lights. I am still waiting on my "bill" light - it's going to be a slow delivery (but I can handle it:rolleyes:).

I knew you fellows and gals would come up with some great suggestions. Thanks, again. I am working with a contractor to lay a paver block patio. After that is done, I will proceed (right now the weather is hot and muggy, so the project will be on hold until the weather breaks. This is going to be labor intensive (dirt will have to be moved by shovel to level the area, etc.). No point in killing the contractor (might want him for another job down the road:cool:).

Keep smokin':wsm:

I hear ya man, I dug just a small patio with my oldest at his condo this past fall and we had to dig out 4 pickup truckloads
of heavy wet loam HAND ! In the end it was worth it , but what a lot of work. We laid the block too. But like I say , it was a small area.....

