how do you start your charcoal/lump?


john enea

I've done the newspaper in the chimney as well as the 2 pieces of paper towel with oil on it. Both smoke quite a bit until the charcoal is lit. I'm using K.

how do you guys do it? I'm just trying to get rid of the huge amount of smoke that goes with starting the chimney. if i switch from K to something else will that make a difference? I'm having a hard time finding any other fuel in san jose
Most times these days I use the a chimney and the side burner on my gasser. If not that, then a hand held propane torch and light about 3 spots in the lump in the bowl.
I'm amazed with what a turkey fryer will do to a full chimney.

John, to answer part of your question, it's mostly the newspaper that is smoking, changing your fuel and still using newspaper is still going to equal smoke.


Fire starter cubes work great. Most are a combination of wax and sawdust. Just light it and put your chimney on top. 5 or 10 minutes later the bottom coals are burning very well. Usually takes about 20 minutes or so for the entire full chimney to be ready to cook.
I second the emotion on Starter Cubes. Two and go.20 minutes ready to dump. A little smoke at first but not much. Haven't used fluid in years.
Another cube user here, love 'em! If I don't have any on hand, I oil up a couple paper towels and light them up.

Starter cubes FTW! (for the win)
Unless you have a performer, or other means of lighting with gas, the cubes are inexpensive and in my experience, one is all you need.

Originally posted by Gerry D.:
I used to use newspaper, then starter cubes under the chimney. Now its the propane torch or the turkey fryer.
Pretty much my progression too. Newspaper, veg oil on paper towel, Weber cubes, propane torch, all of them too slow for me. I get very impatient waiting to get cooking. Now days, it's the side burner most of the time. But when I'm in a real hurry, I get out the turkey burner with the high pressure jet burner on it. That thing will light a full chimney of lump in 3 min or less.
Never used my low pressure turkey burner to light a chimney yet. Figure it's not much different than the gasser side burner.
I'm using the paper towel and Pam veg. spray method. A lot less smoke than newspaper, but more importantly a WHOLE lot less ash! I'm sure torches and burners are better, but until I get something like that I'll use paper towels - one large one does the trick.
I hate the ash from the newspaper flying all over. I use the side burner of my gasser for about 5 minutes, then let it burn on top of the cooking grate until ready to pour.

I buy the Firestarter blocks from Sprawl-mart, break off about a chunk, maybe about a 1.5" cube, and light it under the chimney.

I want to try the turkey fryer.

