How bad is the rust on this Summit 450?


JohnS NJ

looks like I found someone that is selling the Summit 450 in propane. But there is rust. Salvageable?


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Hi John, that is typical for the model of that age. Holes in the box run the hazard of flames shooting out causing problems.

I don't know how you would do a quality fix to the porcelain enamel firebox other than replace it.

You bolt on a patch to the holes and hope you contain the flames to the cooking area
I’m pretty risk adverse when it come down to anything combustible. Found my unicorn but I’ll likely walk away from this. Last thing I need is a grease fire burning up my other Webers.
Unless you know a fabricator who can make the piece from stainless it's a losing venture. They're wonderful grills though the 450 has no more grilling space than a Genesis and they don't do well at all with rotisserie.

