Help for a brother...


T Bounds

TVWBB Super Fan

Last night I found a treasure trove of good info on a web site called Serious Eats. Give it a look.

One recipe I found, which I know many of you have a variation of, is grilled sausage. I plan to grill some sausage with peppers and onions tonight for the family. It will be a first for us. Question is: what in the world do I serve with such an entree? I don't plan to use buns (cutting back, but not out, on breads), so the sausage and stuff won't be enough, but I have no clue what to serve with it to make a meal.

Any suggestions for this brother? Thanks for any help that comes this way.
How about some hash browns, well done, and eggs? What kind of sausage will you be grilling?
Bob, to make it easy for my kids (8, 10, 12) who are really good eaters but still kids I plan to use Italian sausage, but I may toss in something else for my wife and me, something not too spicy but with a bite (no pun intended!). Hash browns sound great.
Baked beans come to mind.....some nice fresh spinach? Green beans? Tossed salad? It is tough to avoid starch , (because its all delicious)......I have heard that mashed cauliflower can be a close approximation to potato....(I have not tested this theory) hey , you can grill up a couple of burgers and make it an all meat fiesta!
A pasta with red sauce (gravy) is what I serve as a side for Italians w/ peppers and onions. (no bun?)
Mostoccoli or ravioli w/cheese, sprinkle some fresh parm over the top and brown it under the broiler.
I've had fried ravioli before, and that's a great side for bunless meals.

Thanks all. The sausages were OK to me, pretty good to the family. For me it was the richness of the Italian sausage that was out of place. I'll try something with more of a bite next time. As for the side, I went with something simple: tomatoes cored and stuffed with bread crumbs, cheese and garlic, drizzled with olive oil and grilled along with the sausages for 20 minutes. Not too bad, but I'd cut the garlic in half next time. All in all, it was a learning meal for us, as most are. Thank you all again for the inputs. I have lots of ideas now for great meals!
I find that if I throw in some mushrooms and squash with my generous helping of onions and peppers it feels like a complete meal.

