Heavy duty stainless steel degreaser?


Jim C in Denver

TVWBB All-Star
I'm cleaning up an all stainless 3 burner Genesis as a gift. The grill has many years of accumulated black grease on the hood, control panel and side tables.

First pass was the recommended SS cleaner/polish and microfiber. But the grease accumulation seems way beyond what the SS product (made for cleaning SS kitchen appliances) can handle. So...

What else can you use on SS to make a dent in the big grease? If this were enamel, I'd reach for my go to Simple Green type cleaner. But I'm pretty phobic about permanently messing up all the SS.

Thanks, Jim
Probably start with some grill cleaner/degreaser. Use a green scrubby and scrub only in the direction of the grain. Then transition to something like Bar Keepers Friend cleanser. Again, only scrub in the direction of the grain.
That Sam's Club grill/oven cleaner degreaser (gloves for sure), ScotchBrite and some elbow grease. You will see lots of recs for Bar Keeper's but IMO..............it's MEH. Never had any luck with it. Scrubbed my a$$ off and got nowhere
Commercial grill cleaner.
Exactly - I bought this stuff at Costco Business outlet in Toronto:
I does a wonderful job but you have to wear rubber gloves and safety googles (the mist generated when spraying with a plastic bottle at the anti-glare coating off my glasses).
Super Clean cleaner/degreaser or Dawn dish detergent.

Disclaimer: I have not used Super Clean on SS but it works well on greasy stuff in the garage. There is a video on their website cleaning a food truck.
Use a good decreaser and a steel wool pad or scotch brite pad.
Work your pad in the direction of the grain like sanding wood,this will minimize noticeable scratches.
Rinse very well several times and wipe down with clean micro fiber using a couple towels using the same with the grain motion. Then add a coat or two of good synthetic wax or ceramic wax.
On SS not a good idea to use steel wool. Especially on rougher grained SS as little flecks of steel wool can be left and you get little orange rust spots
Thanks for all the tips.

I went with Simple Green heavy duty grill cleaner, which is a foam like oven cleaner. Coat, rub in a bit, leave for 5 minutes, and then lots of elbow grease. Slow going but it does work. I'm doing one section per day. And then regular SS appliance cleaner/polish.

To get some safe scraping action, I took a spatula and wrapped the lead edge in several layer of microfiber towel. Much faster than just using towel/sponge/scrubby. With enough towel layers, I didn't nick anything up.

