Grove Charcoal


Timothy Hoffman

TVWBB All-Star
I have read about this brand on the forums before and wanted to try it. Well, our local store has started carrying it. 10# for $7.19 and 20# for $13.99.

So far I like it much better than Cowboy.


Grove is awesome !! Smells so good when firing up. I never liked Cowboy, too many sparklies and rocks in the bag. That seems to be the going prices around me as well...I go through 20 lbs about every two weeks and the nice thing is once you close all the vents, any unburned lump goes out and can be used for the next cook. Also very low ash production !!
I'll give groves a big thumbs up too. Some of the local grocery stores sell it around here. I usually just mix a bit in with regular kingsford.

