Grill killer


Brad Barger

Ordered and picked up my Blue 22" OTG from my local Ace Hardware store. It went together perfect. The blue fit in great in my Weber collection, making number 11 of assorted grills, smokers, ages and colors.

Life was good.... That is until my 15 year old daughter lowered the garage door and killed it. The door caught the front handle, bent the front leg out, bent the handle, chipping the blue porcelain like crazy.

It was never used and looks it fell out of a moving truck. I will wait a few days and take a closer look at it. I just don't want to even think about it much yet.
She knows how much I enjoy grilling and collecting webers. She felt really, really bad. Between my two daughters and wife, I hope a replacment pops up real soon. I will let you know...
I'am sure your daughter is really up set about this happening... But who's fault is it really? Are you the one who left it that close to the door or was she?
Sorry. These things happen. The grill can be repaired or replaced, but not your daughter. Surprised that your safety sensor didn't stop the door before it did big damage.
Grills are replaceable, kids are not. Things happen. I'd look at it this way, I'd be more PO'ed if my kids had left the garage door open all night. I say call Weber and get to fixin' ol'blue up in a hurry. If that's as bad as it gets with your teenager, you're way ahead of the curve (ask me how I know) Best of luck amigo.
Tony, you are right. I have some of that experience too.

I made amends with her. It's just a grill. And it matches a few of my beat up ones that I searched high and low to find. Life is good.
Grills are replaceable, kids are not.

Not to turn this into a "Can you top this" thread, but I couldn't help but be reminded of the day I got
hit with "I Love You Daddy, how long can you keep driving after the oil light comes on". 1988 Dodge Caravan
to the bone-yard, "May it Rest in Pieces".

But after 37 years (tomorrow) she is still my little girl and I love her to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

