Genesis never gets over 525


Andy V

TVWBB Member
How do i get the genesis hotter? It takes almost 20 mins to hit 525. Id love to get to 600 but not sure if I can physically. ANy ideas
Has it always taken that long, or did it just start recently? I know that (at least on my Spirit) if I turn the tank on too fast, it buggers up and heats very slowly. I have to turn the tank on slowly and then wait 10 seconds or so, then turn on the burner to light. Then in a few minutes, the temp gauge is off the scale.
When I first got the grill, the first tank took it up to 600. After that first tank never saw those results again. I'm on roughly my 10th tank now. It takes 7-10 mins to hit 490-500 but after that its a long slow climb to 525. I do clean the grill after every tank(drip pan and such to prevent flare ups).

Anyone have an issue getting a higher temp with this grill?
No, have not done that yet. I should. Ill have to see if the BBQ guru can go up to 600 degrees. If so ill check with that
What is your lighting procedure? Is the lid open and are you opening the propane tank slowly? If not, you might have triggered the regulator. If this is what happened there is a simple procedure to reset it.

Check this out. [video][/video]

