Genesis II E-310


LarryS CT

New member
Just took delivery of the above grill.
Can someone tell me why the instructions say to turn on the gas and then wait 60 seconds before igniting the burners? Seems odd to me to let the gas run on its own.
Also, the grill works (i.e., it gets hot), but I see absolutely no sign of a flame above the burner holes. Is that because it's new? Seemed very odd to me.
Larry, Those instructions sound weird. Is that in the owner's manual?

LIghting has an effect on whether you see a flame. As long as it heats up, I would't worry.
Yah, go fire that thing up after dark. I bet you will see the flames then.

I don't know what the deal is with waiting sixty seconds to light the grill, but I would try lighting it with in a few seconds of turning the knob.
60 seconds seems way too long. That actually sounds dangerous. If you wait too long those propane gases build up and theres a greater risk.
That's what happens when guys read instructions. Everything gets messed up. Just turn the knob, count to "one" and push the button.
I just looked at the 2019 manual. The 60 seconds refers to turning on the propane tank slowly with all valves closed so that the safety device in the tank isn't tripped. Then turn on and ignite the furthest burner to the left. I think Bruce is on the money about the visibility of the flames. LarryS, enjoy your new grill!

