Genesis II E-310 NG to LP


Nick Holdheide

New member
I recently converted my Genesis II E-310 from NG to LP. I bought some blank orifices and drilled them out to.043” (#57 drill) and replaced out the regulator with a LP one. It seems like I am getting to much flame. With all 3 burners on low the temp gets up to 450 degrees. I read online that with everything on low it should be around 300 degrees. Anybody know what I could have done wrong?
Well for one you didn't do any research here before doing this. I have posted reams of info on this stuff. Weber uses different types of valves on their grills depending on which factory I guess gives them the best deal. Some valves have internally "fixed" orifices, some have what I call continuously variable. Weber does not want you to be able to easily convert the grill BTW. In any case the fixed type valves are impossible to convert from NG to LP. You CAN with GREAT CARE do it the other way but the process requires skill and much trial and error plus the ability to use a manometer.
LOL: Larry, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do a write up on this. I am not saying a tutorial for every situation, but just a general overview of what a person's options are, what those options entail, some of the pitfalls and gotchas. If you would, we could put it in the "HOW TO" list and simple point people to it when the come in and ask this type of question. You know, all that WC stuff, the orifice stuff, the continuous versus digital valves, pressures and all that stuff.
PLEASE, with sugar on top???
I thought I did once or twice. I think I wrote a long piece on it and IIRC Chris was even nice enough to include some of that info on the video he did about servicing the valves. Maybe he can chime in and help refresh my feeble old memory :D
I hope one way or the other you could find time to do something like Bruce is suggesting. Maybe with some pictures to help out.

That video, for which Chris rightly gives you credit, is so helpful. I watch it every time that I set out to clean valves just to be sure I am not overlooking something.

If we could make a basic LP to NG and NG to LP illustrated guide it would help a lot of people.
I may need it some day if I ever have to do a conversion without simply swapping the manifold.
I'll see if I can work on that. I have a little break on mixers. I had gotten so backed up I had to take my ads down LOL. So now I have a couple machines I am going to build on spec and hope to dump cheap as they're cosmetically challenged. I do that sometimes. I get machines that aren't pretty but are "sound" mechanically/electrically and I sell them at a bargain price with full warranty as well. As an example I have a plain jane white Artisan (5 qt tile head model) which typically would sell in the $140 to $160 range, but it has some "rash" on the upper housing. So it will go for $95. A good way for someone to get a great unit at cheap price. Maybe some of our resident "flippers" do this as well?

