Genesis 1200 Skyline - My first rehab of the season

Awesome! Glad we got to see her before she flew the coop! A REALLY NICE Skyline!

I am sure that the better than new sandblasted firebox didn’t hurt any, or the rest of your mirror black beautiful porcelain. Maybe time to raise your prices😎!
The only thing close was the 2001 (maybe a couple other years) Gold that had a long rack somewhat similar across the front.

Congratulations. Very nice grill. And it's refreshing to know that there are people out there that recognize quality and are willing to pay for it rather than going with a cheaper shinier but ultimately disposable big box grill.
Yah, I got the asking price. For some reason, people like these rehabs for the "Cabin". I sold three last year to people who took them to their cabins. In fact, the first Skyline I ever rehabbed and sold went to a cabin in Minnesota.

Also, an early trend I am seeing this year is people requesting Cast Iron grates.
This may sound stupid, but I am a little disappointed that it sold so fast. I get all done with a rehab, list it and gone. It is like spending the weeks up to deer hunting season preparing for opening day. Then, you get out in the woods and your Buck walks by 5 minutes after the season officially opens and you are done. Sure, you are proud and happy and all that, but you really wouldn't have minded sitting there on that stump watching the squirrels and chipmunks and mice scurry around for a few hours as the sun comes up.

It's a good thing you can sell more than one grill a year. hahaha

This is a guy that contacted me last year about a grill and never really committed. He contacted me again this year and I described this grill to him over the phone and when I told him the price he balked. He was also looking for some CI grates instead of SS. Anyway, I told him I was doing a Silver B next and it would be a bit cheaper and would give him a shot at it before I listed. But, I sent him the link when I listed this grill and he said he would take it. LOL.

