Free Genesis gold restoration



Well, I got super lucky a few weeks ago. Found a relatively solid Genesis gold c for free. Brought it home, did a quick clean, and it died up and ran decently. Only required an ignitor and to scrub the burner tubes. Figured I would repaint later on. Then I stumbled upon a slightly newer free Genesis silver c. Bottom was totally rotted but it had a flip up side table that was cracked on my gold. Grabbed it just for the table, but found a LOT more useful parts.... I totally tore both grills and the way down. The main bolt hole was getting crispy on the gold, but was like new on the silver. The fire box was better at the bolt hole on the silver as well. Two of the support bars for the side tables were better on the silver, as well as the burners (nearly new,) the porcelain coated cast iron grates, the manifold was a bit nicer, and the warning rack was still shiny under the grease. End result was one very solid, basically rust free Genesis gold c that I'm SUPER happy with! Painted everything while it was apart, even inside the frame at the open ends while it was apart. I plan to take it apart again over the winter and use the Eastwood internal frame coating to be certain it lasts a good long time. I'm really happy with how new it looks at this point, thinking I'll start trying to find free or at least cheap ones to restore and resell, love the old webers!


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Which part in these images is the “liner“ that can rust away?

I have one of these for sale near me but not sure if I want to bother if there’s a weak link.

Other weak spots on those grills is the inside of the cabinet which is likely a rusted mess. Notice the bungee cord on the doors! My guess is the magnets and or the contact inside is rusted away. If that grill is free, I would pick it up for sure.
Well we’re gonna see how this goes. Should clean up really nice.

Anything overly concerning about the hood liner? The grill is meant for me to flip it.

I know those spots are rust colored, but couldn’t it just be grease?
Asking in order to know what to spot or look for on future grills.

Best way to clean the liner? Just Bon Ami or Bar Keepers Friend?



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Looks like a solid grill. What are you cooking on now? I have nearly the same grill and it's fantastic to cook with
The hood liner looks to be in perfect condition. Clean it up the same way as the porcelain coated lids, razor blade scraper, steel wool and degreaser.

