First I have questions

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Curtis D. Fry

New member
I pulled off my first smoke this past weekend. I really appreciate everyone's input on this board as it was my deciding factor on the WSM.

Anyhoo....I did two slabs of spareribs. Used the standard method with a chimney of both lit and unlit kingsford. Windy day with temps in the 80's. Had a wire probe therm in the top vent measuring temp in the hood. Ranged from 220 to 265 during the 5 hours with 240 being an average. The 260's lasted about 45 mins or an hour until I shut down the top vent to 25% for a while.

All in all it went well, but I have a few questions:

1. How often does the water pan usually need to be replenished? I did a 5 hour smoke and refilled it once after two hours.
2. The ribs, for my taste, turned out too smokey tasting. I used 6 chunks of Hickory. Is that too much? Any other wood work better?
3. The bones actually fell out of the meat and I think that was overdone (the meat wasn't as juicy as I think it could have been). Knowing the time it cooked (5 hours), is that normal? I followed the 3-2-1 method, but took them off after the 2 hours in foil cuz I could tell they were done.
4. I want to do the BRITU recipe next, but will be using spares. Any suggestions on mods to the recipe/method for spares? Just cook it a bit longer?

So thanks for the help and I was just blown away at the precision this smoker has with holding the temps steady. I had to adjust the vents only about three times total and then did a little coal shaking to get the temps up after about the 4th hour. But other than that, it was slow and steady the whole time.

I'm hooked and my neighbors are wanting invites to the next "pig jig".
1. I rarely find the need to replenish water on a 5-6 hour cook-- maybe it's the humidity here. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
2. Four chunks, to me is more than enough-- usually I only use 2-3.
3. Try backing off the time in foil-- maybe only an hour. Remember, foil accelerates things besides just conserving moistness.
4. Since spares typically weigh more than back ribs, more time is the ticket. 4hr/1hr-45min might be just about right, since the recipe calls for increased temps at the end.
What is the 3-2-1 method? When you put the ribs in foil what is the process? Foil at the beginning, middle long etc.

It's a cooking method whereby you wrap in foil for a period in the middle of the cook. Do a search on "3-2-1" for many discussions of its use and fine-tuning ideas. Many people think of it as 3-2-1 hours, but it's better thought of as a rough ratio.
Also, with 3-2-1, a lot has to do with temperature as well as time. If you ever look at Stogie's posts about his ribs, temperature, time, and size of the ribs all are factors. You have to look at all of those things rather than just using it for a time table.
Of my 4 smokes, 3 have been BRITU baby backs (3 rolled), and 1 BRITU Spares (2 rolled), so I was able to compare apples to apples, per se.

Smoke 1 (BB) 4 hours - good
Smoke 2 (BB) 4 hours - good
Smoke 3 (BB) 6.5 hours - better (thighs on the bottom rack)
Smoke 4 (Spares) 7 hrs 45 mins - BEST

The length of time on the smoker is definately the key. My two 4 hour cooks of BB's were good, but the extra 2.5 hrs really improved them the 3rd time.

I never foiled, and used BRITU on them all. A decent rub, but I will be trying something different next time.

I use 6 chunks, 3 Hickory and 3 Apple. I think the apple mellows out the 'full' Hickory load. We like ours on the smokier side, so this ratio is pretty good.

BTW 0 I immediately jumped into the Brinkmann Charcoal pan to eliminate having to replenish water. From my last 8 hour smoke, it appears to be the right move.

Hope this helps.
~ Sean
Good to know about the 3-2-1. Also, I will tone down the # of chunks next time.

Sean, on the BRITU recipe for the spares, what was your lid temp on the smoke that took almost 8 hours?
My 4th smoke of spares was a trying one. It is all detailed in a previous thread:

Good luck,
~ Sean

12:15 PM [Ribs On]
...........lid temp.......Vents % open
12:30 PM...200......100 - 100 - 100
1:00 PM....245......50 - 50 - 50
1:30 PM....240......50 - 50 - 50
2:00 PM....235......50 - 50 - 50
2:30 PM....230......50 - 50 - 50
3:00 PM....220......100 - 100 - 100
3:30 PM....210......100 - 100 - 100 (Door inverted for 20 mins)
4:00 PM....245......100 - 100 - 100
4:30 PM....235......100 - 100 - 100
5:00 PM....235......100 - 100 - 100
5:30 PM....255......100 - 100 - 100
6:00 PM....260......100 - 100 - 100
6:30 PM....245......50 - 50 - 50
7:00 PM....210......0 - 0 - 0
7:30 PM....210......0 - 0 - 0
8:00 PM....215 [RIBS OFF]
Just my 2 cents. I found 6 chunks of hickory too strong, too. I now go with 2 hickory and 3 cherry. That was much better. I understand pecan is milder like cherry (and really great with pork). But, I have yet to try.

The first time I smoked (I'm still pretty new) I doubted the extra time would make the ribs more tender. Then, I left a second half rack an hour longer than the first half. WOW! What a difference. My guests were surprised, too. Seems to contradict common sense. Try it for yourself the next time. You'll see.

As for the water, I usually find I have to refill every 2 1/2 hours. When I add, its not bone dry .. but pretty low.

I use cherry and oak (my pref) but only about 6 little pieces around 3/4 x 3/4 x 3". I cut them from scrap lumber. I throw them on when the meat goes in and half the time they dont even totally burn up. I'm not a guru but seems to do a great job. I always look for the smoke ring in the meat to see what is happening.

Also like Sean and Phil found out I always cook backs longer than most. I plan on 8 hrs unless they show they are done before then. In other words I dont rush them off. I'm a straight forward BRITU person since I love em why change hehheh.

I've cooked like 9 slabs at once in the WSM using the rib racks and I am always amazed at how well they come out. I am also amazed at how awesome this forum is and all the help found here.

I feel like mesquite is too strong tasting and hickory reminds me too much of bacon since most bacon I've ever eatin is hickory flavored. Too bad.

The other funny thing I have found is that I never have to refill the water pan. Dont know why but maybe its the Florida humidity.
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