First Minion cook tonight!

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Well, after playing for a while with the WSM, I'm ready for my first long cook. Ran down to the beach and got some sand (a little damp, it' started raining this afternoon...I scraped away the top layers to get to the drier stuff...didn't know if wet sand would affect anything). First time I've used sand as well.

Grabbed a new bag of Walmarts charcoal briquets, the kind that are 60% larger, first time I've ever used them. I'll mix that with real wood charcoal.

8 and half pound butt has been rubbed and is sittin' in the fridge.

about 67 degrees, overnight lows around 54, slight chance for some more light rain through the weekend...

Re-read the butt how-to and the Minion method how-to...and ready to go....wish me luck! I'll post updates.

Good luck Jim,

I am going to try my first Minion cook next weekend so I will be looking forward to hearing your updates on how things go. This will also be the first time I will making Q for more than my self and my fiance so the stakes will be raised.

Don't be a slave to Chris's instructions on the Minion method. They are a great starting point, but there are innumerable variables that change the process.

Chris recommends that when the temp hits 200 close down all bottom vents to 25%. The last two times I used the Minion method, closing the bottom vents to 25% at 200 degrees stalled my temps. I had to reopen my vents to 100% to get the temps to begin rising again. I'm not saying Chris's instructions don't work, they just didn't work for me at the time under the conditions I was operating under.

The last time I used the Minion method, I discovered that if I focused more on controlling the "rate" of temperature increase by small vent adjustments, rather than focusing on the % of vent openings, I could bring my WSM on temp under control and the vents ended up being set at approximately 25% or less when the WSM was on cooking temp. Starting at 100% open, at 200 degrees, I closed my vents "slightly" watched the rate of temp increase slow, closed them a little more, watch the rate of increase slow further, and so on until I hit cooking temp where my vents were about 20% open. It was literally like slowly dialing the temps in. I was on temp 30 minutes after I put the meat on and started adjusting the vents. Once on temp, my WSM was solid with very little vent adjustments through the next 10 hours. It was amazing. My first several Minion method cooks were not that easy. I ended up battling the temps. It remains to be seen if I can duplicate my success next time.
That's very interesting and I will make note of that....about two hours away from "fire in the hole!"
I normally use only one or two of the bottom vents to control temp. The windward vent I keep closed. I very seldom have the vents open 100% even when only using one or two vents.
If you add the burning coals and wood to cooker put on the waterpan and the meat all at the same time, you will find that as the cooker comes up to temp you have the meat on the cooker with a chance to produce smokering at the same time. As it reaches the 225? range if it's climbing fast you can close the vents down, if it does't want to come up, open then wider.
The WalMart 60% larger charcoal burns cooler so you may want to open the vents more than you would with Kingsford, leaves behind a lot of ash also.
Thanks Jim, it's always good to hear from the original right before you try a "method"!

Can't wait, going to load the charcoal!
Ok, 20 till 9 eastern time, I've got the pan in and the butt on (injected w/apple juice, vinegar, peppers and a little accent).

Temps are rising into the low 220's so things are looking good so far. Now to stabilize.....
ok, 20 after 9 and temps have slowly climbed to about 248...I've slowly closed the vents and anticipate a stabilization very soon.

Low pressure system moving in, but no wind and the rain has stopped.

Things look good so far.
Ok, just before ten and temps holding around 240...going to bed...I get up at 4:30 every morning except Saturdays.....will wake up at some point and hope I can get up and check temps in time....c ya soon
Wow...stunning results! It's not supposed to be this easy is it?

Woke up after midnight and stumbled out side to check the temps...still holding steady at 240.

Back to bed.....awoken by rain falling around 3.
Good sleeping weather...oh well, it's only a ten
dollar butt..

6 o clock....I'd love to stay in bed but the curiosity is killing me....I go outside...and...

temps steady at 220. Remove the lid and there is one glorious looking butt!!!!! Check temps...195
in most spots away from the bone. Unbelievable!
Meat is already falling apart when my probe goes it! It's wrapped in foil and lunch is eagarly anticipted!

Of course the eatin is the most important part.

Final update after lunch time!
I just finished pulling the butt....the most tender one I've ever fact, after foiling, I think I left it in too long...some parts are a little mushy but others are "pull perfect"!

The smoke ring was huge...biggest i've ever seen.


1. The finished product showed no taste of the it worth it? Maybe as a moisturizer (sp) or tenderizer but I just can't taste anything...I guess it all rendered out with
the fat.

2. Should I have foiled at 195? Again I think it's a little overcooked...maybe I should have just pulled it off and let it sit unfoiled, then
pulled it apart.

3. The Minion method worked unbelievable well.
I've never done so little work to make good q.

4. I shoud have trimmed more's alittle greasy....being an eastern North Carolinian, that's ok because the vinegar sauce I put on it will cut through the fatty taste...don't really see how anyone could be mustard or tomato based sauces on this greasy bit of q, but if I had trimmed more fat I could see it. To each his own,
and God Bless America!

Thanks again to all who have so freely given great advice...Stogie, Jim M. and everyone else!

Next time, a little less fat on the butt, and off the pit a little sooner...responses on injecting?

Glad to hear things went so well!! Just don't tell anyone how easy....let them know you slaved over a hot fire ALL night.

As for injecting......I go hot and cold on that one. Currently not injecting as I have the same results that you do...not enough flavor to fool with and you surely don't need for moisture.

I trim every piece of fat from the outside. There is more than enough internal fat to keep it moist. Trimming all on the outside also gives more bark area.

Don't be concerned about a small part being too mushy. There are 7 seven muscles that run thru that piece and you are bound to get sporadic and small mushy areas. Overall they can be combined with the other meat and you will never notice.

I say stick with what you did and make some small variations next time to perfect it.
Roger that, Kev..Very happy with the results, especially since it was my first time with so many variables.

The Walmart charcoal worked fine, but it looked exactly the same size as the Kingsford, not 60% bigger!

The sand obviously did not lead to a dryer butt.

More trimming and a finishing sauce instead of injecting will be the next project.
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