First Beef Tenderloin


David B.

Hello all,
I'll be grilling a whole beef tenderloin today for the family. I've followed the videos and instructions I have seen on how to trim and prep the meat, which I did last night.
My question is, I separated the "head" of the tenderloin and tied it to resemble a small roast. Can I cook this "roast" the same way I plan on cooking the rest of the tenderloin?
On my grill, I plan on searing each side at high heat for a minute or so, until all is nice and brown and then finishing off to medium rare via indirect heat.
Thanks in advance.



Wow! That looks great. I think you're cooking plan sounds right....I imagine you can put your meat probe in the small one first and cook it to temp and then when that's done you can stick the big one. Unless you have two?
i would be nervous of over cooking , it such a nice piece of meat. Hope it comes out good! (I'm sure it will). :wsm:
Thanks. Yes, I plan on using the meat probe from my Maverick 732 on the meat and also use my trusty Thermapen for a backup reading.
Can I cook this "roast" the same way I plan on cooking the rest of the tenderloin?

Absolutely! It will be fantastic!
El, yummmooooooo. I do mine just the opposite, cook indirect then sear, but is just a matter of preference. Heck, one can overcook that piece of meat and it is still tender, but yes, med. rare is better...........................d
Hope that tenderloin turned out well for you. Sure looks good before the cook.
Where did you buy it?

