Father's Day Cook Underway



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Well my Father's Day cook "Q" is under way. Wife got me a nice slab of the giant beef chuck short ribs. They are smoking away in the Wolf low and slow just about 225 since 9:30 this AM. Sometime this PM I will pull them, wrap in parchment and then maybe foil but maybe not and back on until about 6:30 PM rest them 30 min and chow down20200621_091818.jpg20200621_091818.jpg20200621_091811.jpg
THose are gonna be some meaty ribs. I am spending my day doing grill rehab work today. If I had time, I would make the drive down and sample your end product Larry.
Larry looks good gotta try those short ribs one day.

For me wife and daughters bought filet's and Alaskan King Crab which will be cooked on the Silver C. Homemade mac and cheese for a side with green beans.
Well they're now wrapped in parchment and then foil. Grill is still in the 200 range. Sadly I think I may have left them too long unwrapped :(
And my fathers day meal consisted of half of an egg salad sandwich, some deli cole slaw, some pretzels and some cheese. I feel cheated.
I quit doing that. More trouble to get rid of the old stuff and my dealer does it for only a few $$$ more than crawling around doing it myself
But on another note if someone would chime in. This is only the 3rd time I am doing these. If anyone has done them as well or done chuck roast how high did you bring the meat temps to. I seem to have stalled. It's been around 170 for the last 3 hours. It's in a 225 grill wrapped still and it went on about 930/10 this AM
Sounds like it is time to eat then. I think many times, just length of cooking will tenderize the meat as much as getting to that magic temp.
Started this morning with grilled bacon, hash browns and eggs. Had a moment thinking about my dad, which is why the hash browns are in a heart shape. Finished TV he day with smash burgers.1BE17E66-680E-4D2A-B7FD-30353D41FF52.jpegA1A7AF05-F629-4E8D-A480-61E44B9F1D0B.jpeg2BEFFE59-75B2-4373-BEB5-1BD062EE31EF.jpeg
Living on the road and staying at an AirB&B didn't give me a lot of options. Hot dogs on a Dynasomethingorother grill, but it was still nice to be able to grill on ANYTHING right now. Hopefully our replacement house deal with go through this time. Already shopping for a metal pole barn to make a shop!
They turned out decent. Wife made yorkshire pudding to go with. They were "tender" but still had more "bite" than I would have hoped. I missed a mark somehow and I don't know which (time/temp). The first time I did this they turned out like you see from one of those cooking shows. You would have thought Aron Franklin did them. This was my 3rd attempt and I have never gotten that result since. But they sure were tasty. I totally zoned and forgot to get a photo
Larry I had that happen before where two seemingly identical cooks don't progress the same for some undetermined reason.
Sometimes you're the bug and sometimes you're the windshield, happens to all of us. Did some marinated top sirloin recently exactly the way I always do it and have done it for years. Usually melt in your mouth tender, but no this one was more like beef jerky. Can't win em all.

