Easter Ribeye and Grilled Onions


J Pichey

The family headed north for the holiday week, so I am all alone with the dogs. Since the new job starts tomorrow, I was unable to go along. No worries. I picked up a decent ribeye at the market along with a nice yellow onion. It's a great time to fire up the recently purchased Grill Grates anyways.

Seasoned it up a bit.


Threw it on the GG's along with the yellow onion. I used the new Mandolin for the first time on the onions. That thing is great.


Turned on the BBall game and relaxed on the patio. Go Big Blue!!!


My Brother told me about this spice he recently found. Added it to the onions and he is right. This is good stuff. It was also great in Guacamole last week.


Grill Grates are doing their job. I love these things.


Finished product.


Cooked to Med Rare. Onions were over the top with the tomato bouillon stuff.

AWESOME Ribeye Joe!!

Love ▼ This ▼ Photo!


Michigan Dominated! Like to see them WIN IT ALL!
For some reason I wasn't hungry during the game... :(

But I recovered in time to have a consolation steak.

Yours looks great (as did your team)...
Next time try to cut that baby open! I love to see medium rare steak when it's done right. Looks great, wish I had it right now.......... I'm starving!!!

BTW, did you have to add salt to the onions or did the bouillon give you all the sodium you needed? I know that the Knorr Chicken and Beef Bouillon I've had was pretty salty and didn't require any extra salt to the dish.

