Drunk Chicken Gadget

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looks like a neat gadget but seems unnecessary as the beer can and the legs of the chicken act as a tripod I just dont see the practical value. IMHO

Also I usually do beer can chicken on my weber kettle over indirect heat and i stack the chickens one behind the other to keep them in the indirect part of the grill. I could see a potential application for the WSM I guess.
I bought a similar gadget designed for just a single chicken. It's a waste of money. While it doesn't seem like it from looking at it, the chicken is plenty stable sitting on just the beer can. The only benefit I could see from the gadget you linked to is you could pre-load four chickens and just lower them into the WSM all at once. If you think that's worth $30, go for it.

I wasn't recommending the thing, I was just asking if anyone had seen it in use or tried it.
I'm against spending money for things that don't work as much as the next guy. I just thought this looked like an easy way to load several chickens and not have to worry about the can's falling over. Thats all /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif
Hmmmt...hat is a great point about the falling down that tends to be the number one problem with drunken chicken...it fals over when its done and can be a real mess. As I think about this though would the contraption really help because if the chicken was so done that it would fall over wouldnt gravity take over and the leg/theigh might come off when you tried to lift it up. At least when I'm only handling one chicken i have two hands one for each side. Then I usually pull mine at temprature but before it would fall over anyways (using the kettle for crisp skin). I really do love it though when someone finds one of these great doohickeys because if nothing else they do make you think.
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