Definitely Gotta Try


RichPB (richlife)

TVWBB Wizard
While they're OK, I've never had great results with bacon wrapped jalapeños. Mainly because, despite trying several different techniques, my bacon never really gets crispy. That's what led me to embedding VA Baked Ham in my jalapeños which I find much better (lòk in Recipes).

However, I guess that's why so many of us keep reading and saving recipes that we mostly don't ever get to using. But we do pick up ideas! That's what I just found in the current copy of North Carolona Field & Family. This recipe writer, Jodie Sheild, says to put the assembled jalapeños in the fridge for several hours or overnight to slow the melting of the cheese when grilled. Then on a high heat grill, cook top side down up to 5 minutes until the bacon begins to crisp. Then turn and reduce heat to medium low and grill about 10 more minutes or until bacon is cooked and cheese is melted.

Obvious? Maybe, but I hadn't thought of it and will definitely try this out. I've got nothing against bacon and maybe this could change my opinion of the bacon wrapped option. Or -- hmm, maybe VA ham AND bacon.

Some may not know that VA baked ham is a mildly salt cured ham rather than sugar cured. It's more like Canadian Bacon. In fact, if you fry it, the heat changes the softer ham texture to even more like Canadian Bacon. I prefer an about 1/16" ham slice with my breakfast eggs over Canadian bacon.

