cryovac brisket seal


Nate H

New member
My wife bought a brisket this passed Friday and when she was either putting it up on the belt to the register or after at some point she broke the cryovac seal on the brisket. With a broken seal what kind of window would i have to get it cooked before it goes bad?
at 40o or less, 3-5 days is what the gov't suggests. Day 6, personal judgment IMO but I'd be somewheat cautious after that length of time. Let your nose (and hands and eyes) be your guide. Never let me down yet.
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Nate.. If you have a Food Saver you could re-seal it and then freeze it, assuming you haven't gone out of the window Len mentioned. I do that all the time.
You can still refreeze for a short period without freezer burn but I'd limit the time to a couple months frozen
He didn't mention if he bought it frozen/was previously frozen. I've got ribs that were either (and advertised as such) so that will figure into his decision as well.
It was probably previously frozen. We bought it friday afternoon. So today is day four. I don't have food saver. I'm going get some plastic it wrap and wrap the pack real good and put it in the freezer a couple days. I will be able to make it this friday the earliest. Thanks for the replies

