Cleaning grates?


Dex from NJ

I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong with the porcelain grates on my genesis.

I have a weber grill brush, but I keep seeing rust when I brush. Should the grill be cool? Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you
I get them hot (just before a cook--say about 350-400 for say 7-8 minutes at that temp), and with hot (out of the tap) water and a non-brass brush scrub parallel with the "rods". Takes 2 minutes.

I have no rust.

My grates are s.s. not porcelain. If you have porcelain AND you have rust, at some point in the past you rubbed so hard you wore the porcelain down to the bare metal. You need new grates and next time, burn the crud off after a cook at high heat, let cool and use a soft bristled brush (or just a cloth) and soapy water to clean them. NO scrubbing should be required.
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Including rubbing the porcelain down to bear metal? That's the only reason you got rust.

OR it got chipped somehow (metal utensils maybe? That'll do it too).
Dex,how long have you had your PCI grates? Mine are four years old and show no signs of rust. Maybe a call to Weber customer service is in order.
Including rubbing the porcelain down to bear metal? That's the only reason you got rust.

OR it got chipped somehow (metal utensils maybe? That'll do it too).

Yes, I forgot to mention I rub the porcelain down to the bear metal. I also took a blow torch to it and some acid.

The plates are actually brand new and were replaced by Weber because the last ones rusted. I wonder if my brush is defective. I assume you can rub the grates when they are hot? I normally burn off the food and then brush them or vice versa. Either way the grill isn't cool.

I only mention it because I read online to not rub them when it is hot. of course, I read that after the fact.
Try cleaning them with a non metallic grill brush when they are cold. Then oil the grates. Clean them this way a few times and see if anything changes.
I get the same thing on my grates as does a buddy. My buddy's grill is brand spanking new. I don't think it is rust because there is no rust on the grates or the wire brush. I actually think it is burned grease from your last cook. Some days I get it and other days I don't. Just my thought.

I have the Craycort grill and I occasionally get what looks like rust when I rub them down with the Weber cleaner (the one shaped like a triangle), but I am sure its not rust as they are less than 6 months old and there is no reason they should be rusty, but would like to know what it is
I get them hot (just before a cook--say about 350-400 for say 7-8 minutes at that temp), and with hot (out of the tap) water and a non-brass brush scrub parallel with the "rods". Takes 2 minutes.

A brass brush is what I use on my porcelain grates. It's much more gentile than stainless brushes.
I had that problem. I believe, in hindsight, that I caused it to happen by scraping the grates and, as someone else said, "cleaning" them down to the bare metal. I read on the Weber website that for porcelain grates it's ok to use a grill brush, but under no circumstances should you ever use a scraper.

