Can I drill a hole through the grill box?


Brian Crawford

New member
I have a Weber Silver A and on the underside of the grill box, there are supposed to be 4 screw mounts to screw in the Bottom Tray Rail Set. 2 of the 4 mounts have cracked and broken so I cannot screw on the Rail Set. So, I am thinking drilling holes through the grill box so I can bolt the Rail Set. My question is, is it okay to drill holes through the bottom of the grill box?
Been there, done that. I used some leveling washers as shown both above and below the cook box along with some SS machine screws & nuts. I don't know if I would've gone through the trouble for a grill of my own but the customer had some sentimental attachment to it when they brought it to me to "repair what he had attempted to fix". I used up a couple of extra nuts as standoffs to space the rail set properly and it worked like a charm. The new screws line up arrow straight with the use of the washers.

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